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Online Support Group
Join this group to ask questions and receive information and support from other parents and people who work with women and families in a variety of capacities.
Non-profit Post Natal Depression Support Group
Out of the Blues is a non-profit support group, which was founded by mums who experienced PND in the region and could not find support when they needed it.
Run by mums, for mums and their families this group supports those affected by Antenatal/Postnatal Depression, Postpartum Psychosis and other forms of depressive illness throughout the UAE.
As a peer support group they offer weekly coffee mornings in Dubai & monthly coffee mornings in Abu Dhabi, Muscat & Qatar, as well as email support, phone support and Facebook pages for both men and women. These groups are open to anyone suffering from or affected by AND, PND or PPP.
Perinatal Psychologist & Certified Baby Massage Instructor (IAIM)
Belgian psychologist, doula and certified baby massage instructor (IAIM), I live in Dubai and am passionate about perinatality. My wish is to offer support to women and their families by using a combination of my psychologist and doula knowledge and competences.
French is my usual working language but I feel comfortable in English and can also speak Spanish or Italian if needed.
Last but not least, I am a lucky mom of 3 (2010 boy and 2012 twin girls) who are very time consuming...but I love that!
Mobile: 0527678019
Non-profit support for those with premature babies
This group offers support to those families currently in NICU or to those who have recently come home. We are not doctors, nurses or counsellors, but we are mums who know exactly what the families are going through. We all have first-hand experience of the NICU journey and want to be able to help parents who find themselves needing some support or guidance. The website has information on our recommended contacts in Dubai, where to buy premature baby clothes and stories of those Mighty Babies and their journey.
Mobile: 050 656 8147
Not for profit, closed/private Facebook group
Breastfeeding Q&A is an online community group set up for mother-to-mother support, enabling and empowering mums in the UAE to meet their breastfeeding goals in their particular situations.
Members have widely differing circumstances, but the group is there to encourage and support each mother to make decisions which are right for her, and to achieve her own breastfeeding goals.
Mums can receive information and support at any time from other members or our team of volunteers.
Hypnotherapist and Intuitive Coach
I am passionate about empowering people and helping them feel good about themselves. When we feel good, it has a huge knock-on effect on our relatives, our partners, our children, our colleagues and other people we encounter in everyday life.
To help the next generation, I believe we must first help the parents of today, to enable them to pass on life-enhancing skills. I use my Hypnotherapy & Intuitive Coaching skills to help people with self-confidence, success, motivation and self-esteem. I also work with women who are experiencing anxiety, stress, depression and panic attacks.
My intention is to help as many people as possible to rediscover their passion for life!
WhatsApp: Dee Ford
Sling Stockist & Advisor
Mother of 2, wife, educator and babywearer, Sarah Lander has been the co-owner of for 3 years. Sarah is passionate about babywearing and helps to manage the Dubai Babywearing Group.
Her knowledge of Babywearing ensures that the carriers sold at Luxe Little are safe and reliable. Luxe Little is able to advise and help parents choose the best carrier for their body shape and lifestyle, giving them hands free freedom whilst keeping baby 'close enough to kiss'.
If you need advice on Babywearing, please visit Sarah at a Dubai Babywearing group meetings or the 'Carry Me' Luxe Little Babywearing Workshop at Baby Bazaar, on the last Saturday of every month.
Monthly Group
Dubai Babywearing is a supportive group that meets around the middle of each month. It is for those who love wearing their babies/children in slings or carriers and for those who wish to learn more.
The group is facilitated by women who are passionate about the benefits of babywearing for Mothers, babies and families. They offer demonstrations and the opportunity to try for yourself, as well as safety information and a way to meet other likeminded parents.